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PureFlix.Com Joining Forces With ClearPlay To Deliver Clean(er) Streaming Content To Families

Faith and Family SVOD Service To Benefit From Partnering with Video Filtering Firm

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz and SALT LAKE CITY--(20 Dec 2016), a leader in the faith and family streaming video space, is partnering with ClearPlay Inc. to provide consumers original content, movies, TV shows and more completely free from any offensive language.

ClearPlay’s innovative playback filtering technology is designed to work with the existing library of more than 5,000 titles. It also opens the door for the addition of new content, which previously may have been rejected due to concerns about inappropriate language.   

Now, by simply enabling the filtering technology from an on-screen menu, all offensive language is seamlessly muted during playback.

While is available on several streaming devices, the filtering technology is currently designed to work only on ROKU and most computer browsers. It will be available to subscribers in spring 2017.

“Working with ClearPlay enables us to further fulfill our promise of no language, sex or violence surprises with our faith and family-focused content,” said’s CEO Greg Gudorf. “A portion of our customer base--who have very strict personal guidelines on what they deem appropriate--has spoken and we’ve listened.”

While the clear majority of’s content is completely free from what most consider offensive language, some conservative Christian families have a zero-tolerance policy for certain imagery and/or words. For example, in the wholesome “Heartland” series, the word “hell” is uttered during an occasional episode. With ClearPlay’s technology enabled, this and all language considered offensive is muted without interrupting the program being viewed.

“This is a tremendous win-win situation for the consumer,” said Matt Jarman, CEO of ClearPlay. “Parents can now fine-tune their family’s viewing experience for even more wholesomeness in their entertainment and both companies get to fulfill their goals of providing families with positive entertainment.”


About is a subsidiary of Pure Flix Entertainment, LLC, the worldwide leader in faith and family-based entertainment and a Christian movie studio based in Scottsdale, Ariz. that produces, distributes and acquires Christ based movies. Our vision is to positively influence the global culture for Christ through media. Whether it’s on your television, laptop, phone, or tablet, is your trusted destination for the highest quality, wholesome entertainment that’s now available anytime, anywhere. For more information, please visit

About ClearPlay:

ClearPlay is a service that makes movies family friendly.  The service works by filtering language and scenes while a movie is playing, all based on the family's own personal settings.  In 2005 ClearPlay was a primary sponsor of the Family Movie Act, helping pass legislation that amended copyright law and clarify the legality of movie filtering.  ClearPlay has been awarded 12 patents for its innovative technology and legally sound filtering processes.   ClearPlay was founded in 1998 with a love for family movie night, and the firm belief that families can enjoy the show together. For more information, go to